Learn the method I used to help myself and now clients all over the world create a life-giving, cup-overflowing, purpose-driven career without having to work harder

7:30pm EST/ 4:30pm PST on Wednesday May 22nd, 2024

Are you ready to finally have a career beyond your wildest dreams without having to sacrifice success, abundance, or even more of your time?

This method works whether you want to stay in your current career or shift out of your field into something new

Join me!


✔︎ What methods do vs don’t work when trying to improve your career (and how to save yourself years of confusion, heartache, time, energy, and money)

✔︎ What you need to do to have more time and less stress, without sacrificing success or financial abundance

✔︎ How to find the peace, joy, cup overflowing feeling you’re looking for… and how to make it last

✔︎ The secret method Stephanie uses in her 10-month program Your Life’s Work that helps people create their own cup-overflowing careers

Here’s what students who have used this method in Your Life’s Work are saying…

Over the last 5 years I’ve been helping successful ambitious people go from their normal jobs to cup-overflowing dream careers

Growing up we were never taught that our jobs could be one of the most fulfilling things we EVER do

Most of us were taught that a job was something we had to do in order to make money, support our families, and be successful in society

It’s time to flip the script on what a job can really be

INTRODUCING the new paradigm of what your career can and should be


✔︎ Waking up excited to go to work, never feeling bored or tired of what you’re doing

✔︎ Everyday your cup so full it’s overflowing

✔︎ Having enough time to create quality moments with your family every single week

✔︎ Being widely known and respected for your special gifts and talents

✔︎ Money rolling in without the stress or hustle

✔︎ Finally feeling stress-free, like you can breathe

✔︎ Having deep clarity and resolve about what it is you’re meant to be doing

This is the new paradigm of what everyone’s career can be

No matter what you do, this is possible for you too..

But how you might be asking?

That’s exactly what I’m going to show you


About Your Teacher

Dr. Stephanie Zeller is a coach and speaker, helping people all over the world shift into the new paradigm of what a career can really be.

Stephanie spent 2 decades scaling one mountain top after the next in her career. Even though she found great acclaim and success, she couldn’t shake the feeling like something was missing.

She wanted MORE.

She wanted a career that continuously inspired her. One that was connected to her purpose, that energized and invigorated her, made her a lot of money, and most of all filled her with immense joy daily.

After having tried everyone elses suggestions and solutions for decades, she set out to create her own unique path forward… and finally, she found exactly what she was looking for.

In this MasterClass Stephanie will unveil the hidden path that she discovered, cultivated, and now uses to help students around the world step into their very own new-paradigm career.

You know…

You know something better is possible for you, and you’re ready to finally find a new way forward